Ulzzang Transformation

I'm Asian and like many (Asian) girls I like Korean culture and especially the beauty ideal of Korea very much!

I wrote this guide to share with you, but also in an attempt to create a community where everyone can help each other out
This is site is full of thoughtful personal tips, tricks and advise that I hope will help you to look like a Korean/ ulzzang.
With that said everything here is far away from a scientific work so please judge for yourself!

I hope you find some of the things helpful!

I always welcome advise, criticism, own experiences from you so please leave comments if there's anything bothering you or if you want to share something.
A place for every of your comments, questions, etc
UPDATES!!! Ruined my eyes writing 3 fashion posts (and that hairstyle post for you guys!!! Hope they are good for something!
Was too lazy to revise or check my writing in the end, so if you see some terribly embarassing spelling mistakes, yeah.. I really am that stupid!

I want to revamp the whole layout, add 2 posts about putting together an outfit and 'trends and staples', but not this lyfe man!
Oh yeah.. how do the new posts load? I know a shitload of pictures, but I don't compromise, pick up your wifi game!
MOVED - http://ulzzang-101.blogspot.com/

Weight loss


Before starting to provide whatever information I have concerning weight loss, let me make a few things clear.

  • Most ulzzangs/ street models are (by 'definition') underweight!
    being underweight is not really healthy for your body!
    if you decide to have the same height/ weight ration as them you, too, will be underweight!
  • But they are NOT pro-ana-, pro-bones-underweight! means, there body still has curves, their legs are not sticks, there bones don't stick out like mountains!
  • if you think those things are desirable you have a wrong concept of ulzzang beauty and also your brain doesn't work correctly! go see a doctor
  • Even if you don't have such opinions now, you are be prone to form such thoughts, because many people who want to lose weigh totally lose it, get all worked up about it, join sick pro-ana circles and eventually get disorders and stuff like that
Please take good care of yourself! I know I'm preaching underweight is the only thing, but that doesn't mean that my word is law.
If you think you want to live by it, then be aware of your decision.
Personally, I don't think a few kg/pounds more or less matter that much, but you have to judge yourself. It doesn't really matter if you exactly know what less weight compared to more weight means for your body, but you should at least never forget that weighing from 40kg-49kg/ 88lbs- 108lbs is not really much and will affect your body.
Then there are all sorts of harsh weight loss/ work out methods, whether you are doing them or not is also your own decision, you should have an idea about possible risks for your health.

So what I want you all to remember is You must absolutely know, what you are doing

Ok, that's it. I'm not saying this because I feel responsible for you or I'm afraid I could be blamed for anyone starving to death. I couldn't care less about that, since it's obvious that whatever I write here, it is still you who decide to do it.

I'm writing this, because it's only natural that everyone should take good care of themselves and hurting your own body won't get you anywhere. DONE !^^

Ok, first let us go through the basics of how our body works regarding digestion and energy metabolism.
As everybody should know, it is only logical that what gets in is in some way used by our body.

Our body uses the food to get energy out of it or to build up elements for our organs.
Energy is used for many things, from moving muscles (not only when we work, but also for things like making our heart beat, for breathing, for seeing, etc), to maintaining our body temperature, cleaning our blood, healing wounds, fighting off bacteria, really many things.

Generally our metabolism should be in a equilibrium, means we should eat exactly the amount of food/ energy our body uses up doing what it does.

If we get more energy than we need, our body doesn't like to waste it. For times when nourishment is scarce our body stores energy as fat.
When needed these fat reserves can be used to gain energy for vital processes.

With that knowledge the formula for losing weight is fairly simple, we must somehow use up those stored fats. And that is done when the body doesn't get enough energy else way. So
less in than out!

There are two ways of doing so;
1) eating less
2) exercise

By eating less we force our body to make use of the stored fats and by exercising we are creating an even greater need for energy, so it's only logical that by combining those two, we get a greater result, because our body must even create more energy for the additional strain.

Yes I know, everything I said til now is pretty clear, but I just wanted to recall those information, because I think keeping those basics in mind, will help you reach your goal more directly.

  1. Diet

    I can't really provide any specific information here, as there is really too much unverified information around, which I couldn't possibly quote.
    So, I try to keep things simply and basic

    What kind of food helps with weight loss?
    1. FAT

      is synthesized out of the fat we eat and sugar and proteins. So yes, like everybody knows, throw out as much fatty and sweet food as you can. (I will talk about proteins later).
      Things that contain much fat: cheese, milk, fried stuff, cake, chocolate, bacon, sausages, etc.
      Well, mostly dairy goods (as milk is very fatty) and many many meats.

      I don't think I need to list sweet things.

      In order to avoid gaining more fats you can either totally cut these out or replace them.
      As for dairy good there are nearly always low-fat alternatives and there is also meat which is low-fat, like turkey or chicken.

      What we should eat instead are vegetables. As they are very healthy and don't really have any fats.
      It is even better if we cook them using only little to no oil!

    2. Carbohydrates

      If you have tried to lose weight before you might have come across the LOW-CARB trend.
      Many people who have successfully lost weight claim to have cut carbs, so I think it is quite an efficient method to lose weight.

      The gist: Supporters think that carbs are generally kind of bad. For us it is important to know that carbs are actually only large sugars. Sugar is also energy, so when a our body registries that we have plenty of sugar it will use that to gain energy and not its (holy) fat reserves. (Sugar is also needed to create fat reserves).

      That means, throw out the carbs, too!
      Carbs are mainly in cereal products, like bread, noodles, rice,...
    3. Proteins

      Since we threw out fat and carbs already we only have PROTEINS left.
      Food with many proteins are eggs, tuna, salmon (quite much seafood), turkey/ chicken breast, dairy products, quinoa, tofu, soy beans, etc.

      The function of proteins in our body which are interesting for us is also its usage as an energy store.
      Luckily for us, stored proteins are way leaner and less noticeable than those bulky fats.

      Now this is important: I told you that our body uses fat reserves to get energy when it doesn't get any food. That's only half the story.
      When starving the body will also exploit its own muscles, liver and spleen to create the necessary energy to keep us alive. As a consequence our muscles and those organs will shrink.
      That is why it is not a good idea at all to starve, not only because it sounds terrible.
      We need our liver (not only!) for creating the carbs we aren't eating anymore. Yes, the liver can create more than enough for us using protein.
      We also want many muscles for losing weight (more about that later).

      Proteins also make us feel sated earlier/ more, so we eat less.

    All in all, we can say that, we don't need the fats (we got more than enough of those around the thighs/ belly I'd say) and we don't really need the carbs as our body can create those.
    What we do need at least are proteins.

    (There are also other components of our nutrition which are also essential btw: vitamins, trace elements, ...)

    Now that I have given you this information I think you should now be able to more or less estimate what a good diet for you looks like.
    I can't say much more, because there are really millions of diets on the internet and as far as I know they all work or don't, depending on how hard you kick yourself in the ass.

    Nevertheless, since the one meal per day diet appears to be somewhat popular (in Korea and thus elsewhere) I shall add my two cents.

    Personally I think that for us first world inhabitants, it is kind of hard to die from nutrient deficiency.
    And whilst certain life styles (construction worker, competitive sportmen, managers, ...) certainly need their fair share of food, some demographic groups - students - are less delicate regarding collapsing because 'I didn't have a Chocolate Fudge Brownie Ben&Jerry's'. Word.
    To make myself clear, I dare to say that one meal per day is enough for someone who sits all day long (even on days with gym class). That could be just me though...

  2. Sports

    It would be better to talk about movement.

    The more we move and the more exhausting those movements are the more energy we burn.
    The more we move and the more exhausting those movements are the more muscles will be built.
    The more muscles we have the more energy we use up to feed those.

    This is so much win.
    I have told this everyone who asked me about how to lose weight. Muscles always need energy. Even when they are resting. So the more muscles you have the more weight you'll lose.

    Some girls are worried about looking like Hulk once they start to work-out, but rest assured. You won't build up muscles that fast and also, muscles are much leaner and smaller than fat.
    Ok, admittedly this is what everyone told me and this won't change the fact that body builders look like body builders, BUT first lose those fat pads around your hips, and after that are you allowed to complain about your abs... !^^

    In my opinion the standard work-out programs recommended by gyms are useful enough.
    They will mostly aim on muscle building by training with weights. For those who have never been to the gym, beginners will usually start out by training with weight machines, which dictate certain movements with adjustable weights, e.g. pulling down a string with 40kg/ 88lbs attached.

    Normally you do sets of around 15 repetitions per exercise and use a weight which will make you unable to lift one more time.

    For those who want something more fun or can't get a gym membership aerobic, Tae Bo, Pilates, etc are a good alternative. Some are more on the cardio side alright, but also provide a certain workout for your muscles, especially with dumbbells.
    You can easily do them at home with youtube trainers like blogilates.

    Other things you can do is sit less often; Get off a stop earlier and walk for one station, don't take the lift, park your car at the farthest parking lot, bike to school/ work/ anywhere, etc (get lost and find your way, that's what I am doing all the time !^^)
    Anything will do, and add up in the end, plus it will make you feel better about yourself !^^

I will try to add more information in the future but for the time being I hope this help you all a bit.
Also, don't quote me on nothing x !
Although I don't like to provide you with information that I don't regard as 'true' myself, I'm neither a nutritionist or a doctor.
  1. This is really helpful, thank you! I'm trying very hard to slim down and I love your honesty about the methods necessary to achieve an ulzzang body ^_^

    1. and I really love your comment! thank you!^^
      I try to be really honest but concerning such a delicate topic it's not very easy

    2. Look, i don't know what these people in Japan think of normal but all other countries (obviously smarter people than you) think that this is ugly. And let me tell you that being skiny is a matter of time. For example if you want to have children, firstly, you may have problem because i'm pretty sure you don't have your period and secondly if you somehow get pregnant you won't weight 41kg. Also if you want to be accepted by valuable people like some kind of doll and not like a humanbeing, you will end up either with a stupid person who only sees the outside, or alone. You are brain-washed by your idols who don't give good and healthy examples for you. I do not think that you will think of my post seriously but in real life nobody will appreciate a person like you. You do not live life you are a prisoner of your own thoughts and if anyone here wants to be manipulated as it is happening, follow all this shit. Ask yourself how long your affection to this kpop girls and this style of life will last. I am sure that all of you are just some teenagers that waste their time instead of studying for instance. I would say just GROW UP!!!

    3. Heys,

      I don't see why you need to be so agressive and leave the same reply under so many comments that mostly don't even disagree with you say.

      First of all, I'd like to tell you to follow your own words and let people decide for their own lives. If someone wants to be skinny just let them be, as far as I know it's not a sin and shouldn't be.
      And I don't know why skinny people shouldn't have normal friends or aren't appreciated?
      I don't get how you can be so mean? You are hating on people just because they are skinny? How do you justify such a stupid idea?

      And please don't be so racist, ok? I don't get why you have to say that Japanese people are stupid, and why you have to mention them anyway. As a matter of fact, all East Asia has the same ideas about skinniness, so screw your 'all other countries'. And - maybe you haven't noticed - western models also follow the same ideal, so who's smarter than who?
      I hate it when people talk rubbish, so get your facts right, before you say stupid things, and have people like me write a shitload of stuff to correct you.
      There are people who think it's ugly, so what? There are people who think it's beautiful, too!

      And nobody said that it isn't a matter of time, ok? Could people stop saying random things?
      Also could you please bother with your own problems instead of worrying about other people's wish to have children? Seriously?
      Also you might be 'pretty sure', but let's be honest, you are not a doctor and even if you were, you know shit about this specific subject. So let me tell you, only because you are skinny doesn't mean you automatically stop your period. You'd have to be anorexic. For some people being skinny and anorexic is the same, but it isn't, let's be at least this fair.

      Also what kind of friends other people have is none of your business, too. If skinny persons didn't have any friends, it would be because stupid persons like you think so little of them and totally disregard their personality.
      I didn't want to say it, but when I read how you write that 'nobody will appreciate a person like you', I have to do it: You are a complete asshole!
      Just having such a stupid thought shows how much of a disgusting human you are. When people are friends with each other, it has nothing to do with how they look. It's about personality. And here you are saying skinny people don't have any, so who's the 'stupid person who only sees the outside' here?!

      Lastly, people can decide to be skinny and still be independent persons, just like other people who make decisions!
      I agree that the image of ulzzangs and idols is very enticing, but I think it's wrong to trust the human brain so little or to condemn the life style of a whole ethnic group so inconsiderately.

      So please let me tell you, the decision to lose weight can't be wholly attributed to one's age or immaturity.
      You better grow up and shed those terrible prejudices of yours.
      And sorry to correct you but we can hardly all be only teenagers, just as ulzzangs or idols aren't.

  2. These blogposts are so helpful! Keep posting!!!

  3. Hello ^^
    I wanna ask few questions, I'd be really happy if you answer them :)
    So I wanna look slim but toned not flabby & by just restricting calories I've kind of became skinny fat.. And I've been wondering, if I get a gym membership and start lifting weights and do cardio as well will I be able to look like this - http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/1200x/f1/3a/dc/f13adca94c295d3b460fb52c44b6a26c.jpg .. This is like my biggest goal - to look something similar to this ^ ^^ also another thing I wanna ask is.. If I start working out, will I hve to eat more than 800cal? Because I feel comfortable eating so & I think most ulzzangs don't eat much too :) thanks in advance :3

    1. Hello there!

      well I think if you start working out you can definitely look like the girl in the picture! Just make sure to emphasise weight lifting to really build up muscle and burn the flabby parts. And btw building muscles takes longer than improving cardio-related stuffs, so results won't be immediate (luckily muscles also last longer).

      It depends on how hard you are working out. I don't say you really have to eat more than 800 cal, especially when you still want to lose some weight(?). Personally I find 800 cals a day is OK, and if you are fine with it, then why not. Even so, you might start to feel that this is not enough anymore once you have started to do sports. If then you want to increase your intake, make sure to eat low-carb and high in protein.

      And yes, I guess ulzzangs really don't eat a lot and I guess many of them aren't too toned either ㅋㅋ

      Good luck!!

    2. Thank you so much for replying ^^ it's really motivating to hear these words ㅋㅋ I'm just little scared that I might look too muscular if I lift weights.. but as you said it takes a lot of time & it's a way to get rid of flabby body parts :D thank you for the advices and the fast answer ^^ I'll try hard and hopefully will look like the girl in the picture someday *~*
      Lots of love xxx

    3. I thank you for your comment!
      There's really no need to worry about too much muscles! Just think of figure skaters, ballet dancers or gymnasts (those who work with uneven bars or balancing beam, etc). They are incredibly strong but still super petite!

      Also what are going to do is lifting a lighter weight several times, which creates lean muscles, while guys like Arnold Schwarzenegger usually lift a super heavy weight but only one or a few times to get those really huge bulky muscles.

      Best of luck to you! xxx

  4. Hello! I currently weigh 56.4kg(124.4lbs) and 164.6cm(5'4'') tall. i want to weigh to about 45.3-46.7kg (100-103lbs) within the timespan of 3-4 months, Do you know how many calories i should eat a day, as well as would the paleo and/or ketogenic diet be good to use to lose weight, and lastly, I don't have a gym membership, however I do have a treadmill and do yoga as part of a class in school on mondays, wednesdays and fridays, as well as I dance(freestyle) almost everyday, so my last question would be, do you know what exercises i could do to tone my thighs(lose the fat around it), my hips and my belly? i have a thigh gap, but it doesn't look "fit" for me. I'm asian so i have a somewhat normal build, so i would look better skinnier. thank you!

  5. Hello! I currently weigh 56.4kg (124.4lbs) and am 164.6cm(5'4''). My goal weight is to be 45-46.7kg (100-103lbs). So, the questions I want to ask you are:
    1.) How many calories should I eat in order to drop this much weight in a timespan of 3-4 months?
    2.) Will the paleo/ ketogenic diet help in order to lose weight?
    3.) I do not have access to weights and/or a gym membership however, I do have access to a treadmill, and I have yoga classes at school on Mon.'s, Wed.'s, and Fri.'s, I also dance(freestyle) almost everyday. So, could you give me some exercises to do to tone thighs(without squats, i don't want my butt to get bigger(inner and outer thighs), stomach(not really "fat" here), and hips?
    I have a thigh gap and a medium build, I am asian so this weight does not fit my profile what-so-ever and it makes me feel kind of uncomfortable when other people say I look skinny. Here are my body goals> https://www.pinterest.com/pin/554857616567548843/ and https://www.pinterest.com/pin/554857616567549569/ and https://www.pinterest.com/pin/554857616567549300/ Thank you!

    1. Hi Jade!

      1) tbh I don't really know~ I think dropping 10kg in 3 or 4 months is quite possible without much cutback if you do your sports.
      still, my advice for you is to try out with how much (or little) food you can 'survive' (i.e. do your daily activities w/o starving)

      2) I don't know much about other diets apart from the low-carb one. I'd say that paleo sounds quite promising, but I find it to be quite similar to eating low-carb but with extra effort, which I don't really deem it necessary.
      as for the ketogenic diet, I just gathered some info, so I don't understand it throughout, but eating much fat so that it would lead to this and that.... sounds so complicated
      I think eating low-carb, low-cal and doing sports is good enough, if you stay strong

      3) as for exercises, I'm not really a specialist, but for the stomach I'd say sit-ups, thighs well, have your ever googled that? http://www.wikihow.com/Tone-Your-Thighs or http://www.popsugar.com/fitness/Inner-Thigh-Exercises-3933054?stream_view=1#photo-26990667 look good. and hips? I don't think there are any muscles right around the hips, so if you are talking about getting rid off a muffin top then the fats will melt away whilst you exercise.
      I'd advise you to really give it your all during yoga and if you have the choice between a harder position and an easier variant of it, then do the harder one, because only that will build muscles. and when you do cardio (treadmill) do it interval training-wise (interchange between intense and low training phases).

      Lastly, I have about the same weight height as you and when you tell me you have a thigh gap then I can clearly understand why others say you are skinny, because - even though you might not be 'ulzzang super skinny' - you are still legitimate skinny in most/ many parts of the world. That's a truth, too, so don't feel uncomfortable about it!
      As I said before, 10kg in that time is quite managable (in my opinion) so just do it!!!


    2. Also, is it bad to eat too much fruit? I eat it as my lunch, breakfast, and sometimes dinner, can you gain weight like that?

    3. hello again, I wouldn't really say it's bad, but since fruits are high in sugar, I'd say it would be better to replace them with vegetables.
      I don't think you can gain weight by just eating fruits, but some of them might not be too good if you eat too much, like bananas.

  6. Hello! Thank you so much for making this blog! I just have a question regarding weight loss. First off, I am currently 5' 9" and 142 lb >~< (That's about 175cm and 65kg) and my goal is to reach 105lb/48kg. Would it be possible to reach this weight in 4 or 5 months? If so, how can I go about doing so? Thank you very much in advance!

    1. Hi!

      I'm not quite sure, I'd say theoretically it's possible... Or I think I could do it if I have enough willpower.
      You know when I diet I lose about 3 kg/ 6.6 lb per week, that would be 12kg in a month xD On the other hand, I guess it gets harder after some time and 17kg is quite much, but well... I think it's possible.

      And my way to do it is eating as little as I possibly can. I guess it sounds anorexic? But I don't seem to lose weight if I eat like a normal person, with or without sports (I guess I just move to little !^^)

      Well, I'd say you should at any case stick to the info I provided in the post itself and additionally really be mindful of what you eat. See how much food you really need and only eat that amount.
      Exercise regularly and absolutely stick to the rules.
      And it should work I guess.

      Hope that helps !^^

  7. Hello! I currently weight 72kg (158 lb) and my height is 178 cm (yeah, I am pretty tall) and I am 16. My goal weight is 55 kg (120 lb). Can you please give me some advice or encouragement how can I achieve that and lose weight healthy way? And how long will it take? Acctually you are the first one who I am asking for help. I am afraid to ask my friends for help, because I'm scared of their reaction. I think they would be like: "No, you dont have to be thinner." But I want to be because I dont feel good in my current body. I am struggling a lot and I hope your advice would help me. So yeah, please help me, I'm really desperate. I really love your blog and I love the ulzzang style too. :) ♥♥♥

    1. Hi there,

      thanks for your lovely comment!

      Hmm it's hard to give any other advice from what I have written in this post.
      I think as a beginner it's good to start with a new diet (low carb, no sugar) as I have described above and some more or less exercising (youtube -> blogilates or yoga, etc)
      Or if you find all those things too complicated (although they really aren't) just anyhow begin with eating less and moving more haha

      Other than that you just have to stay strong!! haha it is not easy and I guess you'll find yourself giving up several times, but you have to (and I know you will) restart again and again!!
      I guess it might take about 2 months if you are very serious about it and only give up a few times haha

      As for the problem w your friends. I kind of know how you feel. Regarding our BMI values I'm less 'normal weight' than you, yet I still want to lose weight.
      My friends are all more 'normal weight', so it's akward to say 'I feel fat'.
      But despite all that I still have and always do tell them that I want to lose weight and I guess you should do the same. I'm not telling them about my exact goal weight (and I guess your friends would be shocked if they knew you want to be 55kg), but I'm telling them that my thighs are too big, etc

      It feels better to be true about such things, and yes, they don't really understand it and say 'You're crazy', but that's it. It's the same as when e.g. your friend is sleeping over at your place and you want to bake muffins at 3 am, your friends might also call you 'crazy', but in a friendly way.
      If they are really your friends, they won't be judging you. Just tell them you want to lose weight, because your thighs, arms, etc are too fat and leave it at that (and honestly, they would want to lose weight, too, it's just not as real for them haha)

      I wish you good luck!

    2. Thank you very much! :) It's really motivating me to keep trying when I read that kind of words. I'm glad you understand me. Thank you for your advice! ♥♥♥

  8. What are your thoughts on calorie counting? I love this blog! :)

    1. Hi Lily,
      and thanks !!!

      I absolutely don't get why calorie counting is so taboo and frowned upon~

      Last time I checked it was because people can't admit they are *that* desperate to lose weight?
      Well if that's the reason than I can only say 'f*k you', cuz there's nothing wrong about exhausting all possibilities to reach one's goal.
      Only the stupid kids laugh at the nerd who does nothing but studying all day long. Well, better have only A's and succeed at one thing, than being mediocre throughout.

      What I'm trying to say it, if it helps with losing weight, then why not do it? It's a very simple rule that less has to come in than out.
      Of course weight loss is more than that, but it's one of the important corner stones.
      Also, knowing how many calories of intake will have which effect on your body, or how many calories certain foods contain is surely more effective for weight loss than having no idea at all and just anyhow trying to 'eat less' (and maybe eating more calories in reality).
      Facts and figures are quite relevant and helpful as guidance for oftentimes really hard to comprehend processes like weight loss.

      Personally, I have counted calories once and then stopped dieting. Right now I'm only estimating how much cals I eat each day, but I try to be not too rough as I find 100cals do make a difference.
      But I always compare how many cals the stuffs contain that I buy and really buy the product with the least amount.


  9. Hi!

    (I'm not sure if you can help with my specific problem, but I'll ask anyways)

    I'm about 158 cm and 51 kg. The thing is, I don't really want to lose weight? I'm a long distance runner, so I think a good deal of my weight is actually coming from muscle (I have about 37% muscle, 21% is considered healthy in women...also at one point my weight dropped about 5kg when I lost ~7% muscle...I got really out of shape though). But I'm trying to drop my body fat (I'm at 20%, which is considered healthy but most competitive athletes are around 15%), and despite the fact that I exercise regularly, eat healthily (I typically eat leafy greens, eggs, fish, Greek yogurt, some nuts and occasionally fruit) and drink plenty of water, I can't seem to reduce it.
    I just don't know what to do anymore? I thought maybe I was eating too much, but when I checked the calories it was never higher than 1500 (not to mention I'm going to burn 300 cal minimum). I do have some serious sleep issues and sleep deprivation, which keeps getting connected to weight.
    Do you possibly have any advice? I'm sorry this scenario seems rather unique....

    1. Hey,

      I really am not sure about my answer, but I try to answer you the best of my belief.
      But first of all, you sound kind of professional? Don't you have a coach who could help you better? I'm sure he/ she is more knowledgeable than I am.

      As for my answer, I just spent some time trying to gain some information about this subject, but the internet isn't really helpful.
      Ok, so now to my answer. I'm really really only guessing, but as a long distance runner, means you are the cardio type of athlete not the muscle type of athlete (as e.g. weightlifter), I don't think that your muslce percentage should be too high or is that important.
      Cardio actually don't really build muscle, as opposed to strengh training.
      Of course you'd have more muscles than non-competitive-humans, though~

      Despite your problems with losing muscle along with fat, I'd still say, try to diet harder! 1500cals seem to much right?
      I know the 1500cal rules, but you shouldn't follow a rule when it doesn't help, but rather listen to your body.
      Try to eat less but still maintain your daily amount of training. You shouldn't lose a significant amount of muslce when you still continue working on them.
      But if you still do, tough look! That would mean that you have to build them again after reaching your goal weight. That isn't really good for an athlete, but well, that's life haha (or your coach has a better advice of course?)

      Also try to find out the reason for your sleep deprivation, maybe by consulting your doctor.

      That's all I can say, still hope I could help you?
      Good luck anyways!!!

  10. Hello! Thank you for all the tips you've given us so far.
    I'm a girl, Chinese, 5 ft 2 and 118 pounds. Do you think it's possible to lose 18 pounds by August 27 because that's when I'll be going back to school. Anyway I'm trying to lose weight and excercising but I have thick calves and whenever I exercise they only seem to be getting bigger. Do you know how ulzzang a get those thin legs? I also have armpit fat, do you know how to get rid of that? I really just want to excercise and get thinner but now gain a lot of muscle or get muscular. All ulzzangs look so nice and thin and elegant. Please help!!

    1. ok.. this is too late.... I'm soo sorry... I was away the whole summer fml

      still, losing weight now is better than never?

      well, they either get thing calves by removing them surgically I guess, or by starving themselves so their body feeds on its own muscles~
      that's just some ad-hoc theory of mine, now that you are asking haha

      what kind of exercise are you doing? if you are so worried about your calves, then only work on your arms and stomach for the beginning. don't do too much cardio!! (as I mentioned above)

      I also have armpit fat and the only way certain fats will go away, is overally losing weight. It's really nearly impossible to lose weight at specific reasons, unless you have them removed surgically.

      good luck!

  11. Hey guys...well after looking at all the comments....I still wanted to ask this...I am 175 cm around 58 kg I have muscles and flappy areas around my chest and stomach and abdomen area(which is common)...I would really love to be skinny and lose both the muscles and fats from all over my body...suggested stions and how and how much should I try to weigh around

    1. are you the same guy from 11th Oct who commented on my body post?

      you should just try to diet and work on the areas that you are worried about. Try to avoid exercising the areas that you find to muscular...

      if you are a guy then lose as little as possible, because guys should be too skinny~ I think the lowest weight you should go for is 55kg.

      good luck!

  12. Excellent tips! Thanks much!

  13. hi i currently weigh 114 around but i want to have legs and body like http://www.myproana.com/index.php/gallery/image/63566-ana2/ but my legs are kinda big not like huge but they have some fat and I've been working out how much do you think if i eat only fruit and protein and workout how much can i lose in a month i want to achieve this as soon as possible but i won't starve for this i am willing to workout and eat good for it but i read it took someone 6 months to be really small that youtube "taylor r" please watch her video called "i need to tell you something" it took her 6 months to lose it and i want to have her body type please help!

    1. Heys,

      depending on your body (and this is sth noone can control or predict) you can lose really much in a month, like I guess(!) maybe even up to like 30 lbs. Just a guess though, if you really only eat exactly the least amount of food that is still ok for your body.

      As for the 6 months... Well, it could be that during her weight loss period she wasn't too persistent or had many trial and error experiences or just failed one or two times and had to restart again.... or it just took her really 6 months to maintain a new lifestyle with a changed eating habbit and workout routine....
      There could be many reasons, which she just didn't mention in her vid.

      Anyways, whether it takes you less time or even longer, if you don't like your body you need to work on it, whatever time it will take, right?
      It is normal that you think about the duration of the process, but you can't force your body. Just get yourself on a healthy diet and work with your body, there's nothing else you can do !^^

      And by healthy diet I really mean that you take care of really providing your body with all that it needs and as you said don't starve yourself.

      Lastly, how old are you? I guess not too old? Instead of achieving some tiny frame and delicate limbs it is wiser to eat 'extra healthy' so your growth won't be affected, also because at an early age nobody needs to look like a certain way, especially not sexy or the like #grandmaopinion
      Then again, (and I'm just alleging that you are young) young people are very easily impressed and influenced in a bad way, especially by pretty and superhuman beings like ulzzangs or idols. I see that the image you linked me is hosted on a proana-site and tbqh the girl in the vid doesn't impress me much either.
      I can only tell you that, as with people who have a certain representation and 'fame', nearly nothing is at it seems. I'm talking about things like photoshop, anorexia, or even just hypocrisy (I mean, that fake or intentional whiney voice when recounting her story is embarassing). Trust me with that - I'm an unnie, I know things.
      What I'm telling you is to be critical, set your own goals, think about your own standards, don't believe in others.

      Good luck!

  14. Hello! First off, I want to say I like your blog, your honesty is really refreshing, and I learned a lot. I really don't want to be rude or anything, because I'm sure you don't mean to hurt anyone, but I think it's a little too focused on weight. I know that's the ulzzang ideal, but muscles weigh more than fat. So I think it's really important not to focus on a specific weight, but rather on the body's overall fitness. If someone gets to focused on weight, especially when they're taller than the average ulzzang, it can be dangerous. Also, I'm sorry, but just because an ulzzang says she's a certain weight, that doesn't necessarily mean she actually is.
    I'm really sorry if I come off as obnoxiously rude, or a know-it-all, I just got a bit worried seeing all these young girls wanting to lose weight that it seemed they couldn't really afford to. (I think you handled that rather well, by the way.) Thank you so much for reading my long rant. Sorry for clogging up your comments.

    1. Heys,

      thanks for liking my blog and for taking your time to share your opinion.
      I really don't find it rude or anything bad at all.
      And I truly totally share your opinion.

      Actually, this blog and I don't mean to over-emphasize weight at all and if you look at the topics I wrote about, they are actually evenly distributed over main topics like face, hair body and the respective measures (make-up, weight loss).
      Still, I have to admit that the body or weight loss- focused posts are the most extensive and elaborate ones.
      I guess things turned out like that, because most people (as you can see from the comments) are so into weight loss (which actually amazes me, because what about plastic surgery? haha).
      Well I think, since everyone wanted to know more things about this topic, I went into more details trying to provide more of the demanded info....

      I agree that focusing not on a specific weight makes more sense than chasing after a stupid number, but many people who want to lose weight are kinda insecure about what weight would be good for them, so I provided reference data for them, just as a guideline.
      But I still want to get across the message that everybody has to decide for an ideal weight for themselves, since every body is different and I really try to answer the comments in that way (but I guess, I should make that clearer in the actual post).

      And yeah, I should really add that bit about 'official weights' (and heights) of ulzzangs and idols. I also think that especially young girls could be deluded by their public image.

      As for people who are taller than say 170..... hmm.. I don't know. I know I wrote this blog and it contains so many qualities that an ulzzang has to have, but I don't see myself in a role of anyone's nanny, role model, teacher or sth like that. I find that everyone should be clever enough to think for themselves and if they can't, it's not really my problem, just because imo it's everyone's duty to take good care of their body and soul and if they don't... then they suck anyway hahahahaha
      That's why for people who are over 170 or for everyone in general, they should think logically about what would suit their bodies, and how far they wanna go.

      You are not the only one who doesn't really 'love' these comments of really young girls, and though I can't say that I worry about them, I do find it not cool when 14 year old girls want to have an ulzzang's body, since ulzzangs are mostly grown-up persons and thus have different bodies and kids should really care about other things (except if the 14 yo girls are overweight though...)

      Anyway, your comment doesn't offend me in anyway, I'm always open to critical thoughts and really appreciate a fresh way of thinking. I will include that part about the 'fake weights' next time I update the blog.
      And I really actually want to distribute the emphasis more evenly and write more posts about other topics, just that I have no time ._____.

      Have a nice day!

  15. Thank you for taking the time to create such a cute blog that targets towards achieving the ulzzang body. Although I am not overweight or underweight I feel like I can lose a few pounds to be healthier. I would just like to point out something in your blog that makes me feel uneasy, which is the part when you talk about the Low-Carb diet.

    I am a dietetics student and I have come across people who are on low-carb diets during clinical training class and low-carb diets are something that is not recommended, even if you want to lose weight really fast. It may seem efficient but it is really unhealthy on the body, especially if you are participating in active exercise to lose weight. Due to your low-carb diet, your metabolism will not be working at its best, you will lose the ability to sustain intense workouts and you will lose a lot of water within your body. Most people who do low-carb diets do not exercise at all because of this. Carbohydrates are such a big food category, eliminating it from's one's diet is very unhealthy. To clarify things about carbs, there are 2 types: refined grains (white rice, noodles, pasta, cereal, cookies, cakes *anything made with all-purpose flour or any grain stripped of its natural properties) and whole grains (brown rice, whole-wheat based products, oatmeal, oats, quinona etc). If you want to cut out unhealthy carbs then please just eat products made of whole wheat and no preservatives. I encourage people to lose weight but eating just one food category for they day or eliminating another is not the right answer. Too much and too little of something can always be bad for your health, as a dietetics student in training I want people to know that the best way to achieve a healthier looking body is through a well-balanced diet.

    I'm not officially licensed to be telling people what to do with their diets but I am learning from the best food and nutrition faculty (many of which are not just professors but licensed health professional as well) at a school with a good reputation.

    Again I appreciate this blog and I don't mean to be a know-it-all about food (even it's my major and future occupation). I just wanted to share my knowledge about healthy eating. ^^

    1. Heys,
      thanks for taking your time to write such a helpful and nice comment!
      I'm sure ain't no professional either, so having your opinion as a 'semi-professional' is very valuable.

      I thought our body could create carbs from proteins? Or not? Or is it more complicated than it seems?

      Well... I guess there are so many things about diet and nutrition that I don't know about, so I should change the text, so it wouldn't sound so 'ultimate'. (?)
      I think that's a rather ok solution. I could of course include the information you provide, but I fear that things would get too complicated if I go too much into details. Especially since I wanted to provide some short and basic facts only...

      But I will have to mention the difference between simple and complex carbs though... (don't know how I could just skip this part when I wrote the post).

      Do you think that would be a good idea? Or do you reckon that the metabolism-part is too 'fundamental' to ignore it? haha

      Again thanks for your sweet comment and effort!

  16. Hello again,
    Wannabe-dietitian here. I'm sorry for such a late response. To answer your questions: Our body cannot make carbs from proteins, when we exclude carbs from our diet our body feels terrible because it starts pulling energy from the glycogen storage (our muscles) within our bodies, which is not good because once the diet is over and the person starts eating carbs again the weight will come back easily. The process is called ketosis (and it's very unhealthy).

    I totally understand that you want to keep your blog simple and basic when it comes to the scientific stuff so please don't bother going into detail about metabolic stuff.

    Thank you for such a fast response (unlike me, haha). I think the blog is perfect the way it is, I just did not want people to follow a low-carb diet to lose weight because there are so many other alternatives.

    You seem like such a lovely person, again thank you for even replying to my comment^^
    May I ask what inspired you to make this blog?

    1. Heyyyy,

      feeling super embarrassed about being so late with my reply... I thought I already answered, but I guess that was just in my head..... (like I framed the reply in my head, but never wrote it here haha)

      I thought I read that the body can create carbs (Gluconeogenesis, but that might all be more complicated than it seems.....

      And thanks for your nice compliment, I bet you are a very nice person, too hahaha (let's meet in heaven someday !^^)

      I guess I'm just interested in ulzzang and have a thing for studying stereotypical qualities, plus I love sharing advise and tips with people.

      Have a great day!

  17. Hey, english is not my language, so sorry hehe lol.

    I am 159 cm tall and I weight 57 kg. I really want to lose 10-12 kg (maybe like in 1 and a half month or 2 months)- so I need some advice! Which diets should I try (that works fast)? How much calories should I eat a day? How can I stay away from unhealthy food (like icecream, chocolate, chips and more)? How many times should I exercise in a week+ how long should the exercises be? I actually need all the advice i can get..

    Keep posting! xx

    1. Heys and sorry for the late reply!

      I'm not too familiar with lots of diets so my simple advice for your is - eat as little as possible! Mainly vegetables and lean meat!
      I don't know about your metabolism so I don't want to particularize any amount of calories, just very little haha

      Don't buy unhealthy food! Or don't let anyone in your house buy those things! Just don't!
      Never take money with you, so you can't buy snacks!

      If you really want to exercise hardcore, then alternate between muscle and cardio training for each day, about 1 or 1,5h!
      But be sure to eat enough to not die from exercising haha

      If your follow this, you should lose weight in no time

  18. Hi my name is stephanie 15 yrs old. My height is 150 while my weight is 42. I have a skinny body but then i started to just sit down and do nothing. as a result now i have a big (not really but it is bigger than before) thigh but my upper body is still skinny. What should i do? I hipe you'll reply to this asap. Thank you so mucch :)))

    1. Hey Stephanie,

      well if you find your thighs too big then it's really hard to specifically lose weight at a certain part of the body by dieting or working out. You'd have to lose weight generally (and I guess, hope that the fat at the thighs start to decrease first)
      Hope that helped!

  19. Hey!!
    I love your blog: it is extremely informative but also clear. You reply to most comments too so I hope you reply to this >-<!!
    I weight about 47kg to 47.4kg, am 166cm tall and eat around 1350 calories a day. Even though my weight is pretty good in proportion to my height I still have areas that seem out of proportion. :( For example, my thighs still touch, my calfs are largish etc. I do about 10 to 15 Min of cardio and 10 min of toning a day(small movements with lots of reps). Should I eat less calories?? Workout longer?? I just want proportion!! Thank you for your time and help xxxx

    1. Heys,

      thanks for your nice comment!

      Both - eating less and working out - will result in weight loss (of course toning will built muscle instead of just slimming down).
      I'm assuming that your thighs touch because there's still too much fat there, which means you need to lose more weight and hope that your thigh fat is the first to go. Whether you do that by eating less or more work outs is up to you.
      As for your calves - this might be more of a 'large muscle problem', if that's the case then take care of what toning exercises you do and avoid taxing your calves.

      Just an extra tip: Often we are too self conscious when it comes to our bodies and are overly critical and judgemental. I also thought my calves were too big for years and then sometimes I think they are ok. And that really changes every other time I look into the mirror/ wear different clothes, etc.
      Eventually I came to the conclusion that it might be just me having no chill, so I learnt that sometimes one's own body is not as bad as one thinks.

      Good luck!

    2. Thanks so much for your help and advice!! Xxx

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